Welcome to Beijing
Not a bottom
It was one of those moments where it just happened so naturally~
A sign, an image and a thirst. Having a camera helped, too.
tags: Beijing, China, homoerotic
Finger on my lens, again
You know your watch in Sanlitun
Still getting used to my new hand-me-down camera and its lens where I usually put my finger. Not that that blur takes away from this shot, by any means.
No revealing tats
No revealing tattoos
There will be plenty of photographic evidence of my having gone crazy at this party - Yen's 5th anniversary. It was a timely outlet for the pent-up frustration building up inside me. My friends could not know how much pressure I am under, but surely they could guess my crazed behaviour was due to some stress they had hitherto unknown. At least I was a happy madman - with the best of friends.
Tuanjiehu Park Pool
Anonymous hot guy
The first visit there a couple of days ago was awesome. The BF & I joined a couple of friends in the gay quarter. It was like being at Destination - minus the smoke-filled rooms & predictable music. My beginner's luck did not let me down ~ when entering the change room for the very first time, there was a tall, beefy & HUNG Chinese guy all lathered up in the shower giving everyone a full show of himself. Good thing we could cool down in the pool right away!
Proxy workaround - updated!
Sad to say my blog is no longer easily accessible in China.
The Blogspot/Blogger domain has been fire-walled.
So posting this is done via a free - though slow and inconsistent - proxy.
Hope things return to 'normal' again soon.
VPN rocks!
Right past the GFW!
Right past the GFW!
tags: GFW
My hard day at the office
For today's filming, I wasn't expecting this.
It was *almost* enough just watching him.
But it turns out oiling him up was tops.
tags: Beijing, China, homoerotic, underwear
Sauna, scrub and massage
At long last we made our way over again to the small public bath house at Beixinqiao for a sauna, body scrub and a massage. While I was on the table, I couldn't help but wonder who takes this kind of job. Is it a booming business or are fewer people going? There were no other customers at what I would guess should be a busy time in the evening. The place is quite clean and the sauna, turned on for our arrival, heated up quite quickly. After about an hour there, I felt squeaky clean!
(Photo to come)
tags: Air China, bath house, Beijing
Super horny daze
Starts out with the long weekend at the Strawberry Festival,
then ends up with me naked in bed in front of a film crew -
then ends up with me naked in bed in front of a film crew -
with another guy... and I'm going back for more!
Hot DJ... has a name~ Jaume Prats
In all fairness, none of the three days at the Strawberry Festival in Tongzhou led me to the point of getting naked in front of a camera - during or after. Though I did get 'lost' on the way back to my place on the first night. I couldn't hold myself any longer after drinking so much and had to get off the train to find a washroom, somewhere - anywhere! Still not used to the no-walls in many of Beijing's public washrooms. Potentially cruisy places, I suppose - but there's no way I could endure the smell any longer than it took to empty my bladder.
So how did I end up naked in front of a film crew with another guy, you ask? Well, I wish I could give all the details, but due to the terms of my contract I'm really not allowed to divulge anything about this movie. However, I can and will say: it is a gay film, I get to be naked with another guy and there are more nude scenes to be shot in the coming days. Exciting, to say the least!
Gayographic Night at Lantung (兰棠同志之夜)
The Beijinger.com's view of Lantung
One Thursday evening last month I went to Lantung in Solana for what was supposed to be the start of a new gay night. Only 20 people showed up, but no matter - I was in great company, the drinks were cheap & tasty and the music was as gay as it gets.
One gripe was the trek one has to make from the taxi stand to Bar Street. To be fair, it was cold and windy that night, but we found cutting through the underground parkade to be a warmer way back.
So here's hoping that tomorrow night's "Gayographic Night at Lantung" will be e great success! (There are already 41 confirmed guests according to their Facebook group.)
16-1 Solana, 6 Chaoyang Gongyuan Lu, Chaoyang District (5905 6213) 朝阳区朝阳公园路6号蓝色港湾国际商区16-1
H&M's Double Opening
Opening day in Qianmen
I became a fan of H&M even before I ever stepped foot in one of their shops.
(Thanks to you-know-who-you-are for that cute scarf!)
Finally, H&M came to Vancouver, and now they're here in Beijing. Aside from the great selection of clothing that actually fits my body, H&M stores are one of the best places to see one of the largest assortment of hot gay men outside a gay club.
Naturally, it was nothing short of madness at the Qianmen location opening last Thursday. Even the rain couldn't dampen the crowds. Tomorrow will surely see even more people at the Xidan opening, even if the forecast for rain comes true.
tags: Beijing, H ampersand M
CCTV sucks - again, again & yet again
Three strikes for CCTV. They are now permanently out.
Not on my TV set or computer screen ever again.
Not on my TV set or computer screen ever again.
As a guest in China, I rarely get terribly political about much.
But my main reason for staying here is because of the tolerance towards homosexuality even the Chinese leadership has espoused.
But there will be no more graciousness from me for the network which blatantly broke the law and caused a spectacular fire that killed one fireman and injured 7 others ealier this month. Their negligence may even lead to a ban on fireworks in Beijing next year. Their legal wrecklessness is one thing.
Now their moral judgement has sunk to a new low by not only editing out parts of Sean Penn's acceptance speech at the Oscars for his role in "Milk", but also by not even to bother correctly translating what he had to say.
So much for tolerance at CCTV.
Watch what he really had to say here!
Valentine's Day & Night
In the wee hours of the Valentine's Day we had already known for only on few hours that we (and the entire 11th floor of our building) would have to move out of our place next to Destination in Gongti.
So we decided to head over to Destination - one "last" time with a group of friends and got drunk - one of us more than other. I ran into an old friend and he introduced me to a Chinese friend of his who spoke great Japanese and so we pera-pera'd all night - tanoshikatta! It was the BF's turn to get drunk, and he didn't disppoint ;-) I was amazed he didn't have a hang over when we awoke relatively early.
One of our neighbours decided to help us find a place, so it was he who ran around to a few estate agents and within 12 hours we had new place to move into near Dongzhimen - incredibly just a few 100 metres from where we set off our first fireworks with friends at the start of Chinese New Year. Is that destiny or what?
The BF's family and I went out to pick strawberries in the north of Beijing on Valentine's Day. Then it was off to have sushi with friends at The Place for dinner. From there it was off to another friend's house for a Valentine's Day party where it was suggested tops wear blue and bottoms wear red. Not everyone participated in the dress code. I wasn't sure what to wear, if anything at all. In the end I wore blue and the BF wore red. I did my best to chat up all the reds ;-)
We knew there was a Fridae-sponsored event at Destination but were shocked to see such a huge line up outside when we arrived. It turned out to be blast and not as crowded as I'd thought. The music was fine and there were so many new faces. I wonder where they usually hang out ~
Not leaving Destination alone
In case you're wondering, the BF took this shot
In case you're wondering, the BF took this shot

Valentine's Day gay wedding in Qianmen, Beijing~
tags: Beijing, China, Destination
Want those plates ...
Naturally the 京GAY is significant,
but so is the 824 because it's my BF's birthdate!
OK, I know I'm a bit of a wanker for not always replying to the oddballs that send me messages on the various 'dating' sites I'm on, but really - when it comes to this, sigh...
hi,I send message to you last night,but now i see the last time you loged on is 9th,so maybe you dont want to talk with me,but if you dont like me,you can say you dont want to talk,why silent?i think i must be not good enough for you,so if you dont want to talk to me,its the last time i send to you,be friends or not,is up to you.
Maybe I just put too much of myself out there, sigh.
tags: rant
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